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Komyo ReikiDo Courses

Find deeper meaning through direct experience of Reiki

Why learn Reiki?

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  • Find calm & clarity.
  • Learn ways to reduce stress.
  • Learn practices for well-being, balance & personal development.
  • Use Reiki straight away on yourself, family, friends, & pets.
  • Take a step towards connecting mind, body & inner being.
  • The benefits of Reiki are apparent almost immediately.
  • Suitable for everyone & does not interfere with your beliefs. 
Sally Wain, Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne.

Sally Wain in her Reiki Studio.

sensei on kurama with me apr23.jpg

Sally Wain, Komyo ReikiDo Therapist & Teacher

Sally has been practising Reiki since 2006 & became a teacher in 2007 in a Western system but did not teach this system. She learnt 3 other Reiki systems to the teaching level but Komyo ReikiDo 'just fit'. She learnt Komyo ReikiDo from the founder, Hyakuten Inamoto in 2012. Since then, she has sat in 4 more in-person Teacher training classes, 1 as a co-host & the other 2 as a host for Inamoto Sensei in Australia. She also hosts numerous online Zoom Refreshers for Inamoto Sensei & online worldwide Komyo ReikiDo gatherings (Reiki Shares), which are ongoing & scheduled on a regular basis throughout the year. She has organised Reiki teacher training in Kyoto, Japan & will visit Japan yearly for spiritual pilgrimages to Mt Kurama, the birthplace of Reiki & to other spiritual sites. She dedicates as much of her time to continually reviewing Komyo ReikiDo, a Japanese Reiki system, for the benefit of herself & her students. 

Sally has a Diploma from the Australian College of Classical Yoga & is currently a Japanese Buddhist Sangha member. She draws on her wealth of spiritual experience to assist her students in understanding spiritual practice which enables resilience, resulting in a calmer life. She continues to practise Zen Buddhism to grow her spiritual base as it aligns with Komyo ReikiDo teachings.

She is the official Australian representative of Hyakuten Inamoto & the administrator of Komyo ReikiDo International.

Sally Wain with Hyakuten Inamoto on Mt. Kurama, the birthplace of Reiki in April 2023

Why learn with Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne

Why learn with Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne?

  • Classes are small. No one gets left behind as many do in large Reiki classes.
  • There is plenty of time to ask questions & to practice.
  • Face-to-face training in an informal & relaxed atmosphere.
  • Komyo ReikiDo is a keep-it-simple Reiki system so it's easy to learn.
  • Reiki techniques based on traditional Japanese Reiki.
  • Official Komyo ReikiDo manuals are used.
  • Certificates on completion.
  • Certificates recognised by Reiki Australia & Australian Reiki Connection.
  • Ongoing support & personalised mentoring on your Reiki path.
  • Ongoing Reiki share groups to practice & receive Reiki, face-to-face & online. An opportunity to join worldwide online gatherings with other Komyo ReikiDo practitioners with Hyakuten Inamoto, the founder of Komyo ReikiDo.
  • Komyo ReikiDo practitioners (Level 2 & up) & Komyo ReikiDo teachers may be listed on the Komyo ReikiDo Australia & New Zealand website free of charge.
  • Classes are taught by certified Shihan (teacher), Sally Wain. ALL levels are taught. Extensive experience in both Western & Japanese Reiki systems.
  • Payment plans by arrangement.
  • One-on-one training is available by arrangement.
  • Specialised Reiki training for Yoga teachers, Meditation groups and Qi-gong groups are available by request.

Sally Wain, a practitioner and teacher of Komyo ReikiDo in Melbourne, follows the National Code of Conduct for all Reiki Therapy sessions and classes in Melbourne. The National Code of Conduct was created to ensure consumer protection in the healthcare sector. Reiki Practitioners & Reiki Teachers are classified as unregistered Healthcare workers similar to Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Dieticians & Speech Pathologists.


For further information, please visit the Health Complaints Commissioner of Victoria or the Department of Health in Victoria.

If you have learnt Reiki from a different Reiki Lineage from Komyo ReikiDo, please click on the button below to call or email before booking online. Thank you.

Still unsure? Perhaps read a couple of Blogs. Search for the following titles:

How do I choose a Reiki teacher?
What is Traditional Reiki?

Beginner's Reiki Level 1
Beginner's Reiki is all about self care. Learn to treat yourself with Reiki.

Beginner's Reiki Course

11 hours  /   $490

Payment plans are available

( 初伝 Shoden - Komyo ReikiDo Level 1)

This is the start of your Reiki journey. Begin to find some clarity, balance, connection, and a better sense of self. Use Reiki straight away, practice on everyone you can lay your hands on, and even practice on your pets. This level is about self-care, which is so important in today's hectic pace. Self-care is never selfish. It is about being in the best possible place for balance and to help those you love. After completing this level, you will receive an invitation to join face-to-face and online Reiki Shares.


In this course you will learn :

  • Verifiable history of Reiki Ryoho

  • The founder's principles/precepts

  • How to channel Reiki

  • Learn & practice Reiki techniques

  • How to apply Reiki to yourself & others

  • 4 attunements/Reiju are given

  • Limited to 4 places

Pre-requisites - a willingness to learn & practice.

Post-class practice is a requirement to advance to the next level.

Shoden Course Dates  

        Oct  19 & 20   Booked out

        Dec  14 & 15   Booked out

        Feb   08 & 09  1 place left

        Mar  29 & 30

        May 17 & 18

        June 28 & 29

Should the above course dates book out, more classes will be scheduled. One-on-one training and specialised training for particular groups (Yoga teachers, Qi-Gong practitioners, Meditation groups, for example) are also available by arrangement.

A deposit of $150 is required at the time of booking.  Deposits are transferable but if the course is not taken within 6 months of the original course date, then the deposit is forfeit.  The balance of payment is due a minimum of one week before the course date.  

Intermediate Reiki Level 2
The second level is more about self care but also offering Reiki to others.

Intermediate Reiki Course

( 中伝 Chuden - Komyo ReikiDo Level 2)

11 hours  /   $510

Payment plans are available

Enhance and strengthen your Reiki practice with more tools and techniques to add to your Level 1 practice. By taking another step in your Reiki journey, you can extend the feeling of calm, balance, and connection of mind, body, and spirit. A minimum of one month must pass after completing Shoden.


This course includes :​

  • Review of Shoden Level 1

  • Learn 3 symbols & their applications

  • Learn more Reiki techniques including Distant Healing

  • Plenty of time to practice symbols & techniques

  • 4 attunements/Reiju are given

  • Limited to 6 places 

After completing this level, you are able to provide Reiki treatments to the public if this is your path. Basic information on how to conduct a Reiki treatment as well as legal obligations, in particular, compliance with the National Code of Conduct, will be provided during the course. However, it is highly recommended not to treat the public straight away but wait for at least 6 months before offering Reiki treatments. This is to incorporate the practices introduced at this level. Should you wish to go down that path after the course, basic business/legal requirements will be provided again in more detail. You will also be invited to join in worldwide online Reiki Shares with the Komyo ReikiDo community led by Hyakuten Inamoto.

If you have learnt Reiki from a different Reiki Lineage from Komyo ReikiDo, please click on the 'Question' button above to call or email before booking online.

Pre-Requisites - Shoden

Chuden Course Dates 

​    Mar  15 & 16, 2025 Booking now

​    July   12 & 13

    Nov  29 & 30

Deposit of $150 is required at the time of booking.  Deposits are transferable but if the course is not taken within 6 months of the original course date, then the deposit is forfeit.  The balance of payment is due a minimum of one week before the course date.


After completing this level, you will be eligible to join online gatherings with the founder of Komyo ReikiDo, Hyakuten Inamoto.

Advanced Reiki Level 3
Learn more on spiritual practices to grow your comfort in everyday life.

Advanced Reiki Course

11 hours  /   $630

Payment plans are available

( 奥伝 Okuden - Komyo ReikiDo Level 3)

This level is for expanding and developing your personal and spiritual growth (not religious) through Reiki and deepening your physical Reiki practice.  While practice may be in your Reiki room, this level is about expanding your practice into daily life for a calmer way of living. A minimum of six months must pass after completing Chuden.


This course includes :

  • Review of Chuden

  • Learn & practice the 4th symbol (known as the Master Symbol in Western systems) & the applications of this symbol

  • Learn how to increase your Reiki energy level through spiritual practices.

  • Learn techniques to cultivate a more positive & happier outlook on life by developing 'Right Mind'.

  • 2 attunements/Reiju are given

  • Limited to 6 places

Pre-Requisites - Chuden. Students must meet practice requirements to advance to this level.

If you have learnt Reiki from a different Reiki Lineage than Komyo ReikiDo, please click on the 'Question' button above to call or email before booking online.

Post-class requirements are mandatory to advance to Shinpiden. Post-class exercises require deep reflection which may not suit everyone so individual assessment is required before exercises may commence.

Okuden Course Dates

  June 14 & 15

  Oct  04 & 05

A deposit of $150 is required at the time of booking.  Deposits are transferable but if the course is not taken within 6 months of the original course date, then the deposit is forfeit.  Payment balance must be made at least one week before the course date. 

Teaching Level 4
Teaching Reiki is about sharing the way with others. This level about reviewing and experiencing Reiki from a different perspective.

Teaching Level Reiki Course

( 神秘伝 Shinpiden - Komyo ReikiDo Level 4)

Initial class 21 hrs /$1400 

Re-sitting Shinpiden $850 

Payment plans are available

The start of your lifelong apprenticeship in Reiki Ryoho. This level is split into 2 levels, Shihan Candidate, a non-teaching level & Shihan, a teaching level.


Individuality is encouraged with a strong emphasis on keeping the Komyo ReikiDo (KRD) teachings intact.


  • Review of all previous levels.

  • Learn more about the history of Reiki & the Japanese culture.

  • Go deeper into your practice.

  • Learn how to conduct Reiju.

  • Initial Shinpiden Training over 3 days which covers all levels of KRD.

  • Re-sit Shinpiden to complete training.

  • Limited to 2 places.

  • Ongoing mentoring.

Shinpiden Course Dates by appointment.

    Labour Day (Vic) weekend 8th 9th & 10th March 2025 - 1 spot available

    Grand Final weekend 26th 27th & 28th September

A deposit of $400 is required at the time of booking. Deposits are transferable, but the deposit is non-refundable if the course is not taken within 6 months of the original course date. The balance of $1100 for the 3-day Shinpiden course may be paid in instalments by arrangement.


After the first sitting of Shinpiden, a certificate for the non-teaching level of Shihan Candidate will be issued. To become a qualified KRD teacher, the Shihan Candidate must re-sit Shinpiden. This may be done online or in person. The second sitting is at the reduced fee of $900. It is preferred that re-sitting Shinpiden classes are done in person, however, the online re-sitting option is on offer for those who are not able to travel to an in person class. The hours for in-person resit is 21 hours (18 hours + 3 hours lunch). On-line resit is 15 hours minimum.

​Pre-requisite:  A minimum of 12 months after completion of Okuden plus interview & assessment (oral or written). 

Students must meet practice requirements to be accepted into Shinpiden class, both the inital sitting to become a Shihan Candidate & the second sitting to become certified Komyo ReikiDo Shihans.

Certificates will only be issued after all criteria have been satisfactorily completed. Once a Shihan Candidate certificate is issued, 6 months must pass before sitting Shinpiden for the second time.


Existing Reiki Masters are eligible to sit this class. All certificates issued previously to the applicant, will be requested.​ Please see below for criteria.

Retraining in Komyo ReikiDo
Offering a Japanese Reiki system to those who are already trained in Reiki. The gate is there to step through.

Retraining in Komyo ReikiDo

hours vary / cost varies

Payment plans are available

Regardless of Reiki level, other lineages are welcome to retrain in Komyo Reiki Do. Retraining in your level will be required by attending Komyo Reiki Do classes face-to-face. ​Initial training online with distant Reiju, is prohibited by Komyo ReikiDo International. All certificates received previously will be requested.

If you are an existing Reiki practitioner, it is required that you resit your existing levels before moving onto the next level. Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne follows the guidelines of Komyo ReikiDo International.

If you are a Reiki Master of other lineages, you can attend an in-person 3-day training course after an interview process. After sitting the 3-day course, a 'Shihan Candidate' certificate will be issued. This certificate does not allow you to teach. Japanese Reiki training requires extra hours before being certified in Komyo ReikiDo.

To teach Komyo ReikiDo, you must re-sit Shinpiden again. You may do this in person or online. On completion, a Shihan certificate will be awarded, which allows you to teach.

Course fee $1,500 for the first sitting of Shinpiden.

Course fee $   900 to re-sit Shinpiden (6 months must pass before resitting).

Fees may be split into a payment plan. Dates are usually over a long weekend but may be changed by arrangement.

Once a Komyo ReikiDo practitioner/therapist (Level 2) or Komyo ReikiDo teacher, you are eligible to list on the Komyo ReikiDo Australia website free of charge. This also entitles you to early notification for Hyakuten Inamoto's visits in Australia and an opportunity to book before seminars/retreats are advertised to the Reiki Public. Attending online Zoom gatherings with Sensei is currently on offer to all Komyo ReikiDo trained practitioners, Level 2 and up.


Practice and advancement of spirituality is the responsibility of students. Evolving can only happen through the direct experience of constant & consistent Reiki Ryoho practice. This is not only about hands-on healing; it is about taking the spiritual aspect of Reiki into everyday life, which requires focus & diligent practice. For students to reap the benefits, there must be a commitment to practice that opens the possibility to touch the essence of Reiki and the true nature of themselves for a more calm & happy life. 'A teacher may open the door, but it is up to students to step through.'

Komyo ReikiDo Shihan reserves the right to refuse advancement to the next level should students not meet requirements in practice, both physically & mentally.

Komyo ReikiDo is a Japanese Reiki practice that follows strict ethical and practice guidelines. Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne adheres to the Codes of Ethics and Codes of Practice outlined on the Komyo ReikiDo International website. Komyo ReikiDo students are required to follow these guidelines.

Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne is required to follow the National Code of Conduct, have Insurance, and follow government guidelines which include mandatory hygiene practices. Komyo ReikiDo students must adhere to the National Code of Conduct as legislated by law.

Find out more about Komyo ReikiDo Courses

Tel: 0409 145 994

Level 1, 4/542 Whitehorse Road

Mitcham Vic 3132 

all enquiries are welcome

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Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne follows the standards set by Komyo ReikiDo International & Hyakuten Inamoto as well as the National Code of Conduct in Australia & criteria set for teachers by the Australian Reiki Connection.

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© 2024


Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne

Level 1, Suite 4, 542A Whitehorse Road

Mitcham VIC 3132

Welcome to Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne.

***Content may change without notice

***Medical Disclaimer: 

Sessions, services or courses that are mentioned throughout this website, are not intended to replace medical, psychological or counselling services from a licensed physician, psychiatrist or counsellor. Practitioners of Komyo ReikiDo Melbourne are not licensed medical practitioners. They do not prescribe substances & will not interfere with the treatment by a licensed medical professional.

Seek the advice of your professional healthcare provider with any questions regarding your medical condition & do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical care because of something that you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency number 000. 

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